First time hatcher, first rotten egg.


Feb 26, 2020
Southeastern Ontario, Canada
Forgive me if this has already been addressed (as I'm positive it has) but I just have such a time navigating this app...

This is my first hatch! Last one in was a rotten egg I guess... I found it really late last night in the incubator (of course it was one of only four blue eggs...)its been removed but I'm unable to get a disinfectant until after work today. The egg didnt explode but it was leaking, I'm hoping to save the rest of the hatch 🤞
Today is Day 8. I wanted to candle at 10 but I guess its happening tonight.
Any advice on product to clean and method to keep the remaining viable eggs good to go through the candle and disinfecting process?
Thinking warm towels? Maybe use my heating blanket?? And be as quick as humanely possible.
Also, anything I should look out for during the rest of the incubation period or when/if any chicks make it??
Trying to look at this as a learning opportunity and not get completely discouraged. This is a thing that happens right??
Thanks in advance ❤
Good job catching the stinker before the bomb went off! The rest of the eggs should be just fine.
A mild bleach solution should work for cleaning it out, that's what I use to clean my incubators after every hatch. I then rinse with clean water to remove any residue and dry.
Anything you have to keep the eggs a little warmer will help but if you're just cleaning an icky spot in the incubator I imagine it won't take too long and they'll be ok. Much like a broody hen getting up for a few minutes to take care of business.
Good luck on your hatch!

Here are a couple of good articles on hatching since it's your first time!

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