First time hatcher, now in lockdown!


May 15, 2020
Hi everybody! This is officially my first post. And seeing how I've practically been glued to this website during the course of my incubation project, I thought I'd finally join up and say hello.

Right now it's the middle of day 15 for my coturnix eggs, which I locked down yesterday. I'm using a homemade styrofoam cooler incubator and quail eggs from the Asian supermarket. Like many others, I got inspired by A Chick Called Albert and wanted to try that experiment for myself. Started off with 18 eggs. Nine of them were infertile, and one stopped developing around day 6 (this is a guess after opening the egg on day 10 and comparing to quail embryo development pics on the internet). Which leaves 8 in lockdown. Did I mention it's day 15? I think I read somewhere on here that lockdown can feel even longer than the first part of incubation, which I'm now learning is very true. I can't wait until I see a pip!

I didn't expect much with supermarket eggs, but now that I have 8 possible babies baking in there, I'm feeling very anxious. I have a brooder set up and ready to go, and I saw some of the eggs wobbling today. Does that mean they'll be hatching soon? I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Wish me luck everybody!
I’m on day 16 of my first lockdown, too! I can 💯 agree that lockdown has made me even more impatient!

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