First time hatching duck eggs


Mar 17, 2020
I have a broody Pekin duck that has been sitting on 12 eggs for about 3 weeks now. I have candled them twice and they are definitely fertile. Some of the eggs are completely dark when I try to candle them. Others have veins and what seems to be a dark eye maybe. Any tips or pointers for a first timer trying to hatch Pekin ducklings? What should I be looking for in ensuring a good hatch?
Since all the eggs look differently when candled you may have a staggered hatch (ducklings hatching on different days). Or, if you're certain that all the eggs started incubating at the same time, only those that are completely dark are still viable. Posting a picture of the eggs being candled will allow members to tell you for sure.

For the best luck, I'd leave the hen alone as much as possible until after the eggs hatch.
These were taken last week

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