First Time Hatching Eggs


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2018

We have 3 female chickens, 1 male duck and 1 female duck. Our ducks are Khaki Campbells. Our female has been faithfully laying on her nest of eggs. I recently candled the eggs and was tickled pink that we have 6 babies that seem to be developing beautifully. We believe we have about a week to go before they will hatch so I want to make sure to give them the best possible chance and avoid any issues. Should we go ahead and remove the male from the coop now just in case he displays any aggressiveness towards the babies? What about the chickens? Is there any risk of them harming the babies? One of our chickens has been laying on the eggs with the duck so we are hoping there won't be an issue there. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or tips. Thank you!!!
I have my black sexkink hen sitting on some duck and chicken eggs, I candled them and they all looked great. The other hens will actually take a turn laying an egg in her nest every couple of days while she goes and gets some food and a drink. I have noticed my young Turkey poults paying very close attention to when they are not protected and the other day someone ate a 19 day old duckling right out of the shell! My plan is on lockdown day (as the different breeds get there) to place them into an incubator .All should be born within a two week period, then introduce all 18 to the flock when they are older. I'd hoped the hen could raise the ducklings and look out for them but I would have to drastically ally change my set up I think . Good luck to you with yours!

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