First time hatching....Have questions!

I had a Brinsea Advanced 20 with the water Humidity control. and I can tell you the temps in those things are rock solid they are a set it and forget it incubator. If you don't have the humidity pump then just use one well until day 16, then fill both well the humidity will be fine that way full or no. If you have your eggs stacked in like core wood not using the separator's then you may have to increase humidity during hatch by putting a piece of cotton towel over the center bar to wick the water up and cause the water to air ratio to rise.
Over the years I learned with chicken eggs that some don't start developing as early as others and I have cracked eggs to find teny-tiny little germs growing, with disappointment. So here is how I candle for chicken eggs: 1st candle day 9, 2nd candle day 18 which is the day you are going to set the eggs on their sides and leave them alone, get the humidity right and wait for 3 days and hope for small fluffy miracles.
Loved that Brinsea and as soon as you can afford the pump buy it, it is so worth the money. It was my first incubator, but grew out of it and now have a 1502 GQF Digital and Hatcher, but still have the little Brinsea Mini Advanced, and will never part with it, they are good for small sets and also tiny chicks like serama, that need that little bit of extra care in the touch. They are also good for showing children the miracle of life.
Good Luck and hope you get many great hatches, just don't get discouraged with shipped eggs, just like others said I have 100% hatches and duds from shipping as well as some of my own. there are to many variables from nature to control it.
Thanks for the info everyone.
Kayakfish, thanks for the encouraging words about not giving up on hatching eggs. I was hoping the hatch would be good so I could start saving for the pump. It was all I had for the "bator". I am due for another set of eggs I'n mid April right after this set hatches. They are not coming from too far so I have my fingers crossed for a better hatch. I'm glad I had a few of my own to put in. The boys got a kick out of seeing the embryo move. I will check again on day 10 and go from there. Thanks!
My first hatch did not go great and I'm now in for round 2. Already it's not looking well. I ordered more eggs from a little closer to me and they were sent out Monday. They did not get hear until today. My last batch came in 2 days and they failed to develope. I have them sitting and was planing on putting them in the incubator tomorrow afternoon. Should I wait another day before I put them in? If I put them in should I not turm them. And if I should not turn them for how long? Any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

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