First time hatching! Help!


Mar 28, 2018
One of my hens (chicken) was super broody so I let her sit on some duck eggs. Yesterday our first little duckling hatched. This is my first time letting one of my girls sit and actually having something hatch out so I’m at a complete loss. She’s in the top left nesting box which is probably 3 ft off the ground.
Do I take her and the ducklings out of the nesting box or just let them be?
Separate them or leave them with everyone else in the coop?
Provide food/water if separated? Help is very much appreciated!! Thank you
My buff O hen just hatched out 4 two weeks ago, and she was also sitting off the ground. Once they were all hatched, I did move her and the chicks to the floor (in the same nest) under my nesting boxes. It’s a small area but there is room for a small feeder/waterer. I never separated her from the flock, and she has done really well integrating the babies and is very protective. I kept an eye on things for a while after she brought them out of the nest (48 hours after hatch), but I saw that she had the situation handled. Just last night I noticed the 2 week old babies eating with the big girls before bed. She has taken them out to free range, but stays very close to the coop. She also still sleeps with them on the floor nest, and she does take them into bed about an hour earlier than the rest of the flock. Good luck and enjoy them!
One of my hens (chicken) was super broody so I let her sit on some duck eggs. Yesterday our first little duckling hatched. This is my first time letting one of my girls sit and actually having something hatch out so I’m at a complete loss. She’s in the top left nesting box which is probably 3 ft off the ground.
Do I take her and the ducklings out of the nesting box or just let them be?
Separate them or leave them with everyone else in the coop?
Provide food/water if separated? Help is very much appreciated!! Thank you
How are things going in the coop?

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