First time hatching, I think I have bad luck....

cajun chicken

Apr 6, 2015
Central City, LA
So I got 18 fertilized eggs from a co-worker to hatch as a little home science project with my kids. Not knowing much about hatching I borrowed a still air incubator/turner from him and put them in last Saturday (April 11th). Temp has been holding at 99.5 since the start, no problems there. I only opened it once about day 4 to add water and that's the only time it was opened. Out of curiosity I candled them today (day 8) and was very disappointed when I found only 4 showing signs of life!!!
The rest had the blood ring around them.....

I guess my question is - has this happened to everyone from time to time? Thanks for the help
Don't worry! This isn't just your luck! A lot of people experience this problem! It's only your first time, don't give up just yet!

Well that makes me feel a little better.... Thanks!
Next time, raise the temperature about 1 1/2 degrees to hit the ideal for a still air.

You know, I thought I read that somewhere but my co-worker said 99.5 "would be fine" LOL. I'll definitely do that next time...... Thanks
99 is better if you have a fan in there to circulate the air. 101 is supposed to be better with no fan. I've also heard if you have a still-air setup it can help to re-arrange the eggs every couple of days, in case there are differences in temperature.

I have my own styrofoam incubator so I added a cheap computer fan. We're about to go into lockdown here.

I hope the 4 live ones do great for you. Don't give up!

My eggs are green eggs (impossible to candle, can't see a thing) and light blue. I just kind of have to hope and pray there's something going on in there... time will tell!
It's not too late to turn it up now if the controller isn't likely to spaz out on you. Do it when you have time to babysit.

I am off work Mon/Tues so I am going to try raising the temp. My friend did bring me 5 more eggs tonight fresh from the coop this afternoon so I'm going to put them in also. The temp control works really well and does not swing too bad so I should be able to do it without too many problems. It's the cheapo job from tractor supply but it does hold temp OK......

99 is better if you have a fan in there to circulate the air. 101 is supposed to be better with no fan. I've also heard if you have a still-air setup it can help to re-arrange the eggs every couple of days, in case there are differences in temperature.

I have my own styrofoam incubator so I added a cheap computer fan. We're about to go into lockdown here.

I hope the 4 live ones do great for you. Don't give up!

My eggs are green eggs (impossible to candle, can't see a thing) and light blue. I just kind of have to hope and pray there's something going on in there... time will tell!
Thanks and good luck on your hatching also!
I am off work Mon/Tues so I am going to try raising the temp. My friend did bring me 5 more eggs tonight fresh from the coop this afternoon so I'm going to put them in also. The temp control works really well and does not swing too bad so I should be able to do it without too many problems. It's the cheapo job from tractor supply but it does hold temp OK......

I love seeing a clawfoot tub put to poultry use. I keep my 0-2 week brooder tote in my old clawfoot tub. It's just so convenient to have the water right there when you need it, and it's spill proof as well.
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