First time hatching!


Mar 28, 2018
I got my flock up and running last year and we’ve got around 40 hens, 2 turkeys, 10 ducks. I’ve never let anyone hatch anything yet so I’ve got a couple questions! One of my hens is really trying to brood but we don’t have a roo so I gave her some duck eggs to sit on after doing a little research to see if it was even possible for her to hatch them. My question is should I separate her now.. or after they (hopefully) hatch? Also will she leave the nest for food/water?

Onto the turkey hen.. She never laid last year so I was waiting for her to lay this year. I found her on the other side of the fence line in a field next to our house. Then I found a clutch of 9 eggs! Is it possible to move her nest or will she abandon it? Our birds free range during the day but go back to the coop at night so I don’t want to leave her nest out in the open for predators. I’ve also never seen her mate with our Tom so is the only way to see if the eggs are fertile is to wait it out?
Maybe try to build something around the eggs for the turkey. Now the hen, I think it depends on how big this hen is. I really don't know if chickens and ducks have to have different temps for hatching. She will leave to eat/drink but she will go back if she really wants the eggs.

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