First time Hatching

Sending good hatching vibes your way
I am officially in lockdown and heard a chick chirping. Crossing my fingers that my first experience is a successful one. We shall see!! Wish me luck!!
So excited, I have a chick hatching and I just locked down last night day 18. COOL!!!
I'm in day 19 have four more that I'm not seeing any signs. Hope they start soon
It's out, I have a chick YAY! Now it's gonna have all the other eggs rolling all over the place. Since it hatched at day 19, what do I do it I reach day 21 and bother others have hatched and it needs to be pulled for food and water?
Three out of five have hatched and another one in the process that should be out soon and another pip. YAY!!!!
Thank you and yes I did. Even though it is walking all over the others lol. My Americana hatchlings seem to be quicker movers then the buff that hatched Sunday. Now I'm reviewing how to determine the sex.

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