First time having ducks (anything i need to know)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 20, 2009
Winder, Ga
I have 2 ducks and this is my first time having these and i was just wonder if there anything i need to know about them like special needs .. feed.. do they need to have water to sit in? i know pretty much nothing so anthing will be greatly appreciated !!
Thanks alot
Are they ducks or ducklings? If they are babies they will need starter food.

Make sure they have lots of water, they waste a lot too. But, they can choke if they have food and no water.

I would keep the water shallow and easy to get out of for young ducklings. When they figure it out it can get deeper.

Starter food, I would wait to add grit or any other food.

If you want to follow some ducks from day one, go to my website and I've blogged about my ducks from the day I got them. Scroll to the very beginning. They are about 7 weeks old now. Lots of fun! Enjoy your ducks!

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