First time incubating!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
Hi all, this is my first time incubating eggs and I feel like an expectant Grandmother!!! We are on day 21 and I actually saw an egg wobble this morning! At least one of the eleven that made it to this stage is alive.

Is it possible that I heard tapping from one of the eggs? Or am I imagining things? Of course I'm now worried that the shells will be too hard for the chicks to crack out of. At what stage and after how many days should I intervene? Not yet I know, but trying to prepare myself.

These eggs are from our own chickens.

I have been using the incubation pictures put on here by Silkiehen and they are brilliant! Thank you, they helped reassure me right through.

This is me:
:welcome. Yes you will have heard tapping that is the chick pipping the egg you are not imagining things and yes you may here peeping once they have done their internal pip. Hatching is a long process so try to be patient and don't be in too much of a rush. As long as your humidity is at least 65% they will get out of the shell it's an amazing thing to watch I get nothing done when I have a hatch taking place cos I'm always looking at the incubator!!!.
Oh! Now I'm worried about the humidity!

Our Hovabator instructions say 75 to 85% at this stage so we have ours hovering around the 83 to 85% mark. Is that too high?

Stress, stress and double stress!!!!! I was more relaxed than this when I had my kids!
No don't stress that's fine it should only be at least 65%. Your eggs are fine because you have action taking place. Just try not to let it get below 65. All incubators have different instructions. And incubation and hatching has no set rules everything is just a guide. :hugs
I'm reading too much info on here and it is making me panic!

I have not marked the air bubble on my eggs, I have been trying to not mess with them too much, I'm a great believer in letting nature do it's thing

Is it too late to do it today? I am on day 21 and in lock down. Shall I just leave alone and let them get on with it?

Sorry to be a pest, but I really appreciate the support and advice you are all giving me.
Don't panic and don't open the incubator. As you say let nature take its cause. You are not a pest I know what it's like!! What will happen will happen. You have got the eggs to this stage and that's great. And you can hear the eggs and see them moving that's great hatching can take a long time. :fl
I have 9 eggs pipped at the moment, but I'm sure one is the wrong end. What do I do?
Ok, we have our 1st ever chick hatched. We now have 8 more that have pipped and some are now zipping.

One is definitely the wrong end, but has pipped and has an air hole. Shall I leave it alone or what shall I do?


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