First time incubating!

Hi congrats on your first chick isn't it amazing!! Try not to panic about the pip in the wrong end make a note of time it pipped if you can. From pipping you should wait at least 12 hour before intervention. As you say it has an air hole. Please try and read assisted hatching post it's on the incubating and hatching page sorry but it won't let me add the link I am on iPad and it's not playing ball. Oh and breathe everything will be fine.:hugs
We now have 2!

The wrong way round one pipped this morning, 12 hours ago, but it has made a bigger hole now. It is a proper hole with no membrane showing.

As it has air I think I may leave it to fate to see what happens. As a first timer I don't feel confident to start messing with the shell, even though I have read the assisted hatching section several times today! If it is not out by morning I may open the shell up a bit.

The 2 that have hatched are knocking the others about hellish! And they are VERY noisy!

Thanks for your support.
Ooh no probs it's good that it is making a larger pip hole for its self. If it's making progress for itself I would leave it too. Assisting should only be done as a last resort. I am of the thinking if it can't hatch itself it may not be able to survive. Bet you can't stop looking at the incubator.:jumpy keep me posted will be on for next few hours and love the pic of your new chick. I think I might have to get my incubator out again it's making me broody.:cd
I have just watched another 2 hatch. I think there is a problem with one, I'll have a look on here for it.

I took the decision to take out the wrong way one and have a proper look. I managed to chip off a large section of shell without breaking any of the membrane, so I have now put it back and will see what happens. I feel that at least I have given it a chance. It is 9:55 pm here and I knew that if I didn't try something I would not sleep all night.

All others are pipped and now zipping, except one that is ok as I have candled it and it is still moving and the air sac looks good.

Got your incubator out yet? lol

Goodnight for now.
I thought I would just add that I think one has mushy chick syndrome. It looks very much like the pictures on here.
Well, it is 9am here in Hungary, and we now have 9 chicks.

The last 2 are on their way and I'm pretty sure they must have a headache due to all the noise being made! I should think they are also fed up with being bashed about the incubator.

I'm glad I helped the wrong way round chick, as it managed to hatch itself over night.

Setting up my home made brooder now, as we live in country that is still warm until at least September, I will put a lamp on them for warmth still, but when the suns out they can go outside in their box.

The chicks that I thought had mushy chick, seem to be fine now, I might just bathe their navels in warm salt water when I take them out of incubator.
:woot That's excellent news so pleased for you glad the wrong way one hatched ok and mushy one seem fine. Yes it does get rather noises and rough in the incubator!!!! Post some pics when they are done would love to see them.
We have all 11 hatched now, although the last one took ages and seems a bit weak to me.

Have moved 9 to the brooder box. Thanks for your support and advice Yorkshire Coop.


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