First Time Layers, Eggs Fertile from the start?


In the Brooder
May 31, 2016
I am new to chickens only owning them a year. I have several first time layers (8 to be exact) I have several roosters and they seem to be doing their job fine. When a hen starts laying are the eggs good to go ahead and start hatching or do you wait for a few weeks? I assume they should be fertile as long as roosters are preforming.

I know some eggs are miss shaped, or small at first so didn't know when would be best to start incubating.
I am new to chickens only owning them a year. I have several first time layers (8 to be exact) I have several roosters and they seem to be doing their job fine. When a hen starts laying are the eggs good to go ahead and start hatching or do you wait for a few weeks? I assume they should be fertile as long as roosters are preforming.

I know some eggs are miss shaped, or small at first so didn't know when would be best to start incubating.
There is no reason a hen's first eggs shouldn't be fertile and settable, as long as she is getting bred by a fertile male. However, you shouldn't set very misshapen or abnormally small eggs, which young pullets may lay.
There is no reason a hen's first eggs shouldn't be fertile and settable, as long as she is getting bred by a fertile male. However, you shouldn't set very misshapen or abnormally small eggs, which young pullets may lay.

There is one egg the size of a bluebird egg. I knew it was probably a no go lol. But some of the others are smaller but not tiny tiny so....Ill probably not use them either.

Thanks a bunch! Want to do my first hatch right!

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