First time mother hen confused.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
Custer, SD
Hi all,
I have had my chickens since March 15,2012 when they were day old chicks. They are growing nicely. I have one chicken(a Buff Orpington) that will not get out of the way when I go through the gate into the chicken yard. She moves her wings out and flattens her body close to the ground. I have to pick her up to get in the gate. I am a first time mother hen, could someone please explain this behavior?
She has been doing it for about a week now. Also, tonight when I went into the chicken yard to shut them in the coop, another Buff was doing the same thing, just not in front of the gate.
That is the egg squat. They are nearing sexual maturity and you should expect eggs soon. That is how they would squat for a rooster....

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