First time natural hatch


Mar 7, 2017
Pinson, TN
I had a broody that hatched 1 egg. Sweetest interaction in the world. Anyway I have kept them in the coop with the flock and they are doing great. The only issue I am having is that the bigs are eating the starter grower and I’m not sure how much of it the baby is actually getting. Suggestions for this? I would love to keep them together if possible
Solution: Stop using starter. It's OK to put everyone on grower for the time being. Baby can eat what momma eats. Just be sure everyone has oyster shell and lots of grit on the side.
My biggest thing is this is the 4th or 5th time I have had hens go broody and the only chick ever hatched so I was only simi prepared because I didn’t really think it was going to happen. We have just bought 3 big bags of layer feed a day before the little peep popped out. I know this sounds cheap but I am not rich. If I absolutely have to I will switch over but am trying to find another solution.
can you put out the layer feed first (away from the broody) till the bigs are satiated and wander off, and then put (a small amount of) chick feed down by the chick and broody?
Put the layer feed in a hanging feeder so the chick can't reach it. The chick can't have that much calcium.
Otherwise, the starter feed won't hurt any of the birds. I once made a platform low enough only the chicks could enter and I still had a hen lay down and crawl inside to reach the starter feed.
I had a broody that hatched 1 egg. Sweetest interaction in the world. Anyway I have kept them in the coop with the flock and they are doing great. The only issue I am having is that the bigs are eating the starter grower and I’m not sure how much of it the baby is actually getting. Suggestions for this? I would love to keep them together if possible
Is the starter/grower medicated?
It's the only important factor. The chick will eat what mum says. I feed medicated chick feed and to ensure the chick eats at least some, I hustle the seniors out and shut the mum and chick in for 15 mins or so if mum has hatched in the coop.

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