first time posting/new chickens


5 Years
Jul 9, 2014
So this is my first post. Early this year my wife saw chickens at tractor supply. She thought they were cure so we picked up 4 RIR chicks. Later that day she said she wanted a duck so I picked up one as well. It was poorly thought out as my brooder was my bath tub and I knew nothing of chickens. I bought a cheap pre fab coop and we learned from this website. Fast forward a few months. Our birds are great. They come when we call them and give are starting to lay. Our cheap coop was not good enough so I gathered a lot of repurposed wood and built a new coop/run (Ill post a write up later). Because of the new coops size we decided to get two new birds. We got two 4 month old Barred Rocks. We put them in the old coop to keep them seperated for a month from our orginal flock. The first night home I had the great idea to let them free range. Long story short it took several hours to catch them. They have now been in their coop for a week. They are still very scared of us (our RIR love us). Any advice on how to get them to trust us. When can we let them out? I was thinking to try this weekend right before dark. Is there any general advice on training a 4 month old bird. The chicks were easy. Loved us from jump street. These guys are terrified of us.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Yes, those teens are hard to tame! lol My best suggestions are hand feeding them, talking to them and holding them.
Handle them, handle them, handle them. And give them treats -- chopped grapes, watermelon, tomatoes, worms. Before you know it they will think you are All That!

Enjoy. It's all on a sharp learning curve.

Welcome! Start letting them out late in the day, when you are there. They will want to return to the coop to roost at dusk, and throwing scratch or treats in it then will also help. They may not come out of the coop for a few days; just be patient. Let all the birds meet out of the coops during this time. It will all work out fine. Mary

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