First time with 1 broody 2 incubators


9 Years
Mar 25, 2010
New York
We have had our chickens not quite a year now.
This is our first time incubating.

I have one buff orpington on eggs since March 8 . I put 8 eggs under her. We lost 1 today. Not sure why, but when I checked on her this afternoon, she was off the nest and I could smell something different. When I checked one of the eggs was broke. I got it out of the nest and the chick looked real good. Due March 29.
Not sure why the egg was broke...thinking she might have stepped on it wrong. She is in a large dog plastic crate in a nest box by herself. Got her back on the nest after cleaning things up. Looking good so far.

My son started his incubator for us, and 33 eggs were put in it on March 13. He has hatched before using his older unit, so hopefully things will go well this time. He did candle about a dozen of the eggs, and said that they looked good.

I started a hatch on March 25 with 41 eggs in a Little Giant, that I bought new this week with the automatic egg turner. Holding the temp real good. I have not opened it, since I started it. I have no way to test the humidity.
My question often should I open it ? And how often does it need water added ? I was thinking of using a plastic tube down one of the vent holes on top of the unit.
The way I understand is that on day 18, I remove the egg turner, and put the eggs on their side in the unit, and then go into lockdown. Is there anything I am missing to do, or need more information on. Thanks
You need to test the humidity. If you don't you may have to much and drown the chicks and at the end to little is all bad and theey won't hatch. You can go to the pet store and get one of those hydrometers they use in reptile cages, I heard they work good. Oh

I will get one humidity guage, in the next day or so.
I was not sure if I was being too technical or whatever one would call it.

My son only has the temperature guage in his. I know he opens his 3 or 4 times a day to hand turn the eggs.

I was told I could mist the eggs. But then again, I was reading somewhere that water should not touch the eggs directly. And when you add water, add it warm.

I think sometimes I do too much research and reading
Hi..........Well no humidity guage yet...still trying to locate one. I think the pet shop is going to be my next stop.

Well Mother Nature is doing her broody has at least 2 live chicks this morning

Hubby saw one first thing this morning when he went to do the early morning routine with the chickens.
Mommy hen pecked at him........So far she is not mean to me....maybe because I hand feed her, and pet her. Maybe ?

So hopefully later today we may have more action. I don't want to disturb her any more than
necessary. She is in the big dog crate so protected from the other chickens. Hubby thinks I
need to remove the nest box. It is a metal rabbit box so the sides might be of concern if I left
it in the crate. But I am putting extra sawdust in to build up against the sides in case a chick
pops out and needs to get back in with mom.

Dawning of the light bulb here...I think I need to get some chick starter feed later today.

So being, it's our first live hatch.... I am quite excited
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