First time with a broody hen--advice?


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2015
I have a hen that has been broody for about a week now. She is glued to that nest! I have a few questions and would love some advice from those with more experience.
1. The nest is up high. The chicks wouldn't be able to get out unharmed. How do I go about moving everyone? Wait until they start hatching?
2. Is it better to keep mom with the babies after hatching or put the chicks in a brooder?
3. Mareks? Yikes! Best way to/should I vaccinate?

Thanks for any help!!!
I too have had this situation. I waited for her to hatch completely. And then once they are dried and fluffy I brought them down with a pale. As long as you do that. They should be okay. Is she right next to a ledge? Can you easily get there?
Thanks for the info. Yes, she is easily accessible. She's righ inside the coup. The nest is about 2-21/2 feet off the ground. There is a bar for them to jump on, then jump to the nest, not a ramp. So I was concerned about them falling out. I will just keep an eye and then get them all out. Thanks again!

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