First timer Candling.. Thoughts?

Serenity Lane

Mar 21, 2013
New York
I set these eggs around noon on Saturday, which makes this about 5 1/2 days in. I'm new to this so I took the best pictures I could.
Egg 1

Egg 2

Egg 3

Egg 4

Egg 5

Egg 6

Egg 7

Egg 8

Egg 9

Egg 10


I know it's early but any info/advice would be appreciated.
As a first timer, I wouldn't worry about what you're seeing until day 7 or 10. By then you should definitely see clear veining and an embryo which will make things a lot easier. So far several of them look good though.
Another thing that will help is if you candle on the opposite end. You want the light to shine through the air cell to give you the best view.
Yeah, what hokankai said. Have a little patience. This is my 1st batch at hatching. I waited until day 7 to candle. A day and a half makes a world of difference. If I had a little more patience and waited until day 10, I might not be wondering about 4 eggs.

At day 7, I have no doubt about my 14 good eggs. I have 4 that aren't showing signs of development. Which they might have if I waited until day 10.

Looks like several of yours are trying to show signs of veins.
Looking good! They're a bit dark so it's hard see, but I'd say at least a few of them most definitely have some veining. You'll be able to see them much more clearly around the 7th-9th day mark. x3 what hokankai said
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Hokankai - How should I hold the egg to shine the light through the air cell? I am so afraid of dropping an egg and holding them with the light above feels so awkward. I imagine there's a better way, I just have no idea what it is.

And thanks for the advice, I appreciate it!
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Yeah, what hokankai said. Have a little patience. This is my 1st batch at hatching. I waited until day 7 to candle. A day and a half makes a world of difference. If I had a little more patience and waited until day 10, I might not be wondering about 4 eggs.

At day 7, I have no doubt about my 14 good eggs. I have 4 that aren't showing signs of development. Which they might have if I waited until day 10.

Looks like several of yours are trying to show signs of veins.

Yea, I can see veins in at least half of them. They are very difficult to photograph, they come out darker making it harder to see.

What are you hatching?

Thanks for the reply!
Hokankai - How should I hold the egg to shine the light through the air cell? I am so afraid of dropping an egg and holding them with the light above feels so awkward. I imagine there's a better way, I just have no idea what it is.

And thanks for the advice, I appreciate it!

I shine the light from above *shrug*. You can also hold the egg sideways
I was wrong with my numbers above. Should of been 15 good eggs and 4 not showing development. My neighbor brought a 18 carton of hamburg eggs. I forgot about the 1 extra he had in his pocket. These eggs went in night of the 21st (Thursday).

I'm only day and half ahead of you. I'll candle the 4 eggs tomorrow night to see if any changes.
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