First timer. Sending Apollo to freezer campā€¦

lol and half of my meat comes from roosters
All the more power to ya, if youā€™ve found a breed and a way to cook that satisfies, thatā€™s awesome. Every other breed other than CX that Iā€™ve tried eating has been a pretty disappointing experience, in generalā€¦ guess Iā€™m spoiled or havenā€™t found the right breed. But I tell you what, I sure do like crab, so the crab pot isnā€™t so bad an option for me.
It's all a matter of personal taste and, to some extent an acquired taste. When I first starting butchering hertiage cockerels I was initially surprised by the slightly different taste and texture. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. Now, I really like it and prefer it over CX -- even pasture raised CX.

This week, we butchered a 13 week old Maran cockerel. He was a little over 3 lbs and we made fried chicken. Delicious and the 2 of use got 3 meals out of it. It was well worth the 20 minutes it took to butcher and pluck.
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