First timer


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Could anyone give me some suggesstions on a good, safe, starter coop? My husband, three young kids and I are new to this, but really want to have chickens. He is going to build us a coop, but there seem to be so many design options. We want something attractive, easy to clean, and inexpensive to build. I have been looking around for some ideas, but I am not sure. We want to start with 4-6 chickens. I really want to do this, but I have to present my husband with an easy, manageable coop and run so he will build it!!
If you want to "start with" a few chickens but think you might get more in the future, then I can virtually guarantee you WILL get more, possibly LOTS more, in the future

Unless you want to build a large shed right away (with the attitude that it can be used for other purposes if the chicken thing poops out after a while), I would suggest building a tractor for the summer, with the idea that by Fall you will have a better idea what your longer-term needs will be and build a permanent coop *then*, before winter. (Unless you live in a very mild climate; I'm not going to even guess where 'Acton' is, as there are a bunch of 'em <g>). Tractors are not the greatest thing to have to winter chickens over in, in a "real winter" climate. It can often be done, sort of, but it is not ideal.

(e.t.a. - alternatively, you could convert a corner of a garage or garden shed, and add a run, and live like that for a while

Good luck, have fun, welcome to BYC, now go get some chickens

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If you are buying all the materials from scratch, the least expensive is the tractor. But, as patandchickens said, if you live in a cold climate, it won't be good for winter. I have a friend in NW Washington state and her chicks can stay in the tractor year round. She just moves it around the yard so cleaning is not an issue. In Indiana, that won't work.

There are some really neat small coops. Hope you find the right plan for you.

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