Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads... eat 'em up, yum!

I wonder if it will make your eggs fishy tasting? Probably would be good with some smoked salmon if it does!
Dunno about chickens but cats fed on too much fish develop a vit b1 (thiamine) deficiency. It may be true for other animals and not seen frequently because we normally don't feed them as much fish as many people do cats. I wouldn't go overboard and feed them lots of fish daily partially for that reason and because too much of anything is bad for you. Make sure they are still getting a well balanced diet and not filling up on too much fish.
We bought a big bag of fish that was did not taste good; no matter how it was cooked. We have been feeding it to chickens, maybe 1/2 cup at a time. they love it.
Thanks for this info - I've been wondering about this. Mine have developed the bad habit of eating an almost exclusively protein-centered diet - fish being their food of choice. I have tried several types of laying feed, including an expensive organic one but they just refuse to eat it. Instead, my four girls exist on a daily diet of wild bird seed + snacks including fresh corn on the cob, fish, greens and anything they find while free-ranging. I'll start minimizing the fish allowance though and keep it to no more than 2 days a week.

If you want to give your chickens an inexpensive treat they'll go wild over, you can get a small portion of a small fish called smelts at your local grocery store's fish counter. These are fish that are about 3-4" long - a good size for a chicken to wrestle with and swallow down. I occasionally buy my girls a 1/2 pound of it for under $2 and they go crazy for it. I also sometimes give them those little generic cans of sardines in spring water (2 for $1) and they scarf that down. They really live for the smelts though - I think they enjoy the thrill of 'killing' the smelts - it brings out their little inner-dinosaurs . . .

All of our birds--chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, peacocks go to our fish pond/turtle pond and pick a fish out every once in a while. When I go get minnows for the turtles I throw a few to the birds and they gobble them right up..
They eat such a wide aray of things, that a fish here and there should be fine.
The birds eat snakes, mice, bugs, pick at a dead rodent, frogs, I have even watched as the chickens found a fallen robin nest, picked the babies out, ran like made with a baby robin in there beaks, then gobbled it up.etc. etc.

I personally am not worried about a few fish or bones here and there. Now if that was there ONLY diet it might be a little different..
I also have free access DE for the birds.

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