Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

ok, sorry it took so long but this is Wilfred my fish. What is he? As stated before I rescued him without thinking so he is currently living in a fish bowl. I will try to get him a proper tank depending on what kind of fish he is.


That was taken the day I brought him home. His bowl has been cleaned and rocks have been put in the bottom.
IN the past few months, I've been losing alot of fishes getting stuck on the hose thing that the filter is attached to. I know it is strong to suck up water but don't the fishes know to stay away from it? The filter system is Tetra and got the 55 gal tank last year.

Thought about putting panty hose to cover up the end of pipe but it clogged up with debris too fast and the filter had to work harder. Should I put taller plants nearby or some kind of a device barrier I can get to keep the fishes away but not sucked them to their deaths.

I nearly saved one fish from the vaccum part.

Poor things!

Guppies, tetras, neons and a few snails are the occupants of the tank.
mother o' chicks72 :

he is really small. like, less than an inch long. how big will he get?

If he's like any other common goldfish, then he could get 6-12 inches. Though it may take a while.​
What you can try to do is put a piece of PVC pipe around the in-take of the filter and drill some small holes in it, that way water can still be sucked into the filter, but not the fish, as long as the fish are unable to fit through the holes. Even then it would be harder for them to be sucked up. We had to do this when we had fancy goldfish because our Bubble-eye kept getting its sacs stuck in the filter. Unfortunately one ended up popping and didn't heal.

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