Fitting A Chicken Harnesses?


Oct 22, 2016
Hedley British Columbia
Hello Everyone, bellow is a photo of may beloved Rooster Owl. Owl has a Tumor on his preening Gland. Luckily the vet said it isn't spreading but they aren't able to remove it with out causing him massive trama. everyday though they want me to give him a once over to make sure no other tumors appear any where else and to make sure it hasn't grown. The moment his tumor grows or spreads he will be coming inside to live with us which dosen't seem to bother him as he prefers human company over that of other chickens. My Hubby and I have disscused getting a chicken harness for him. However we are unsure how to measure him to make sure we have the right size for him. So if someone could help me out with how to measure him or could tell me what size he needs (preferably in inches) that would be great.

Chicken tumors are generally part of having Marek's Disease.
I have taken him to two vets both have done testing on him and both give him a clean bill of health other then his tumor which is on his preening gland. So is preening gland is useless to him so i offer him a tiny bit of coconut oil every few days and he uses that on him self, and enjoys it. They think he has had it for some time now. He is 1 1/2 years now. I got him when he was almost a year old.
Chicken harnesses really only come in small, medium or large. Most harnesses have an average weight range to help you pick a size. I would weight Owl and use that to choose a harness. That being said, I don't know any chickens who tolerate a harness. I think they are more a gag for entertaining the chicken owners than a useful item. My hen nearly flipped herself over trying to extricate herself from her harness.

Chickens, like people, are susceptible to cancer and tumors. Usually they appear when a chicken is older but they can occur at any time. I am glad your rooster is doing well despite the tumor diagnosis.
Our chicken wasn't thrilled at first, but after a few minutes she settled into a harness. She now happily wears it so she can take trips to Tractor Supply and pet stores. I will say that our Buff Orp is my sons pet and he has spent a lot of time working with her, so definitely not for every bird.

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