Fixing up an old coop

We have about 40 of these
I have to agree with the others that the building is on it's last legs.

See how the roof is curved and the door is way out of square?
The main beams holding the roof up are failing.

That hole in the floor? Look right above it and I bet you'll see staining on the rafters where the roof leaked.
(tho I think the dirt showing is from inside rather than right on the ground).
Making this old wreck predator proof will be impossible, and not worth the effort. No openings larger than 1/2" diameter, and a dig- proof foundation. Doesn't look likely with that shed. Good luck, anyway. Mary
Thanks for all of your responses :)
Our realtor said it could be fixed up and so much was going on with moving...your insights were the needed push to give up on that idea. We're in the process of building a chickshaw, with the plans from the 'abundant permaculture', I think it's called, website. For now all birds are happy and safe in the mud room.
Also should say the pullets are free ranging during the day and not just cooped up. Not that we have a coop :p
Thanks for all of your responses

Our realtor said it could be fixed up and so much was going on with moving...your insights were the needed push to give up on that idea. We're in the process of building a chickshaw, with the plans from the 'abundant permaculture', I think it's called, website. For now all birds are happy and safe in the mud room.
Of course they did<rollseyes>

Chicksaw looks pretty good....glad to see they are using hardware cloth!
Just wanted to say thanks again for talking us out of the coop. Here's the chickshaw we built! At least they will be safe, and they're getting used to it.

I am inclined to think the structure is beyond repair as well. If the structure could be raised up to refurbish the floor I would say go for it. Alas I think it is past that point. Floor joist can be replaced with not too much problem. When rot invades the shoe of the wall I think the structure has had it's day.

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