Flake vs fine pine shavings


13 Years
May 6, 2011
So after busting my butt scooping out coop today I go to put in the pine flakes I always get from tsc. It was practically saw dust. Tiny little chips.

I can't imagine it's going to hold up well or last long. I couldn't get back to town to exchange it so just had to use it. Arg. So irritated that I'll have to scoop it all out yet again in a few weeks.

Anyone use the finer shavings? Experiences?
I only use the large flakes, way less dust. I have an 8' x10' coop. I use about 1 1/2 bags & put down a lot of PDZ. I change it out every 3 to 4 months. The dust & fine particles aren't there with the bigger flakes. You may find you like it. I turn mine over about once a week, it does flatten down over time.
This is the Sweet PDZ I was using. It's a stall refresher that absorbs like crazy. I liked it just fine. There are two sizes - granular and powder. Mine was the granular. I had a poop board under the roost, and in the mornings I just used a homemade scoop (made with 1/4 inch hardware cloth attached to a handle) and lifted the poop right off. Took about 5 minutes to clean up after 22 chickens! I have since stopped using it, but certainly not because it didn't do exactly what I wanted it do.

I'm using the deep litter method in both my coop and run. The Queen of the Deep Litter Method, as I loving refer to Beekissed, asked me one day why I was using a poop board and PDZ if I wanted the litter and poop to decompose. I was taking a lot of poop out of the decomposition equation. She was right! So I discontinued the poop board and the Sweet PDZ. That was my choice, but again, let me assure you that it was clean, easy to use, and did its job very very well. So if you want to use a poop board and PDZ, or scatter PDZ in with your litter, by all means do so! And I alternate fine shavings with flake...use one and then the next time use the other. The fine decomposes well, the large doesn't produce as much dust and together they make a very nice floor.

So after busting my butt scooping out coop today I go to put in the pine flakes I always get from tsc. It was practically saw dust. Tiny little chips.

I can't imagine it's going to hold up well or last long. I couldn't get back to town to exchange it so just had to use it. Arg. So irritated that I'll have to scoop it all out yet again in a few weeks.

Anyone use the finer shavings? Experiences?
I personally love using fine shavings because of how absorbent they are. There is some sust, but up keep is worth it!

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