Flakey white skin, missing feathers and very skinny


Mar 23, 2016
My plymouth rock chicken is looking so sick but she's as sassy as ever. Since the summer time I have been battling what I thought/still think is lice. My plymouth rock has been losing her feathers since early summer and i've treated her and my 3 other chickens with Garden Poultry Dust, dusted the entire pen/coop/nest box and she would show small signs of improvement. Suddenly this week she started to RAPIDLY lose her feathers, her entire back and her bottom are both entirely bare. She's skinnier than ever but she doesn't seem to be behaving any differently. When I looked closer at her again yesterday I noticed tons of white flakes on her skin. I figured that was confirmation that she STILL has lice (although my others seem fine and show no signs of anything?).. I just feel totally defeated, i've been battling these lice for months now, using different methods and cleaning everything obsessively but now she's the worst she's even been. Any advice? Does anyone think that sounds like something else is going on?
Could she be molting? When they lose feathers during a molt, they tend to have very flakey skin, and they don't have their usual appetite. How old is she?
She's a little over 1 year... It's certainly possible. Is there anything I could do for the flakey skin if it is molting?

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