

10 Years
May 11, 2013
Last weekend I noticed that my kitties were practically COVERED i the nasty things. They've since been given some Advantage, so hopefully that'll take care of the problem on them, but since they can't bite them anymore they've sort of had a mass exodus onto myself and the birds. I have never even heard of ducks having a flea problem, but just this evening I found one on Wobbles! It was sitting on top of his feathers so at least it wasn't up close on his skin, but for all I know, they both have fleas. I haven't the foggiest how to fix this. They get a bath daily, but between their thick down and waterproofing I don't know if that'd even make a dent if they did have fleas living on their bodies. What should I do?
I found the product Flea Busters a few years ago when we had a sudden infestation. I think the fleas are in the carpet and cracks at the base of the walls where they meet the floor. It worked for us.


And you're sure it won't harm the duckies? Golly, it sure is expensive, too...oh, dear. I'm living off savings at the moment since Hils left me with no job and no money. But I don't think I have much choice, do I? I can't let the birds get bitten!
Please call the company and check with them.

I would not expect what you place at the wall-floor intersection to be something they could get into. It doesn't produce fumes.

If you apply it to the carpet according to instructions, I don't think any could get on the ducks.

You do want them out of the area you are treating - it is dusty - and wear a mask.

But please talk to the manufacturer to be sure. It is a tough spot to be in. But it lasts for at least a year.
For dogs, I find that apple cider vinegar works like magic. Used it once on our dog and never had a problem again. Not sure about ducks though.
I don't bath them in plain apple cider vinegar; I have a homemade shampoo recipe somewhere (don't remember where, but it has glycerin, dish soap, apple cider vinegar, and maybe one other ingredient) which I bath her with every few months. You can also put apple cider vinegar in the drinking water, but we didn't try that. I think I also tried mixing apple cider vinegar, water, and some essential oil in a squirt bottle and spraying her with it 3 times a day. That worked, but it took longer before the fleas were gone (a week?).

The chemical flea killers actually are often poisonous for the dog. It's absurd - they say to smother your dog with it but not touch it yourself because it's so poisonous. That's why I prefer natural stuff.

Edit: Plain vinegar works too.
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I don't bath them in plain apple cider vinegar; I have a homemade shampoo recipe somewhere (don't remember where, but it has glycerin, dish soap, apple cider vinegar, and maybe one other ingredient) which I bath her with every few months. You can also put apple cider vinegar in the drinking water, but we didn't try that. I think I also tried mixing apple cider vinegar, water, and some essential oil in a squirt bottle and spraying her with it 3 times a day. That worked, but it took longer before the fleas were gone (a week?).

The chemical flea killers actually are often poisonous for the dog. It's absurd - they say to smother your dog with it but not touch it yourself because it's so poisonous. That's why I prefer natural stuff.

Edit: Plain vinegar works too.

Hmm, I like the shampoo idea. Could you rack your brain for what that final ingredient is? And I know someone said not to bother with baking soda and vacuuming, but I really don't want to put anything down that could harm the birds if they ate it. And you know they would - they eat EVERYTHING.
Wouldn't the dish soap in the shampoo remove the duck's natural oils too. I would think that would cause some problems for the ducks.

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