
for emergency flea control

give the dog a bath with DISH SOAP, dawn seems to have the best results, its mild enough that it wont agrivate the skin and it WORKS, lather up well and let it sit for a few mins then rinse VERY VERY well (a flea comb will remove the deads), kills all the existing fleas ON the dog.
unfortunatly though youll then have to go through the trouble of treating the house and using a topical as the dawn doesnt repel fleas just kills the ones already ON the dog.

this is how i treat pups too young for flea meds/flea baths and have actually found the dawn to be MORE effective and less harsh on the skin than flea shampoo is.
I just gave my puppy and kitty a flea bath yesterday because I seen fleas on them. They also get bio spotted which I don't think works. After I gave my kitty her bath I still seen fleas on her I felt like a monkey picking them off!!!
Pick up some capstar (or some flea pill, comfortis? that kills just about instantly) from your vet tomorrow. Will kill fleas on the dog already. Ask about topical flea control and when you can apply that (I think it can be used with the capstar/comfortis).
In the meantime, flea bath. Use Dawn or some dog flea shampoo.
Then vacuum vacuum vacuum vacuum. Empty the bin or take the bag out and DISPOSE OF OUTSIDE - away from the house.
Wash linens.
Vacuum - floors, couches, beds, etc

If the dog is an outside dog that doesn't come in, then the vacuum crazy bit may not be necessary.

We use DE on the dogs and haven't seen fleas this year on the dogs. When we see a tick, we know it is time to reDE them, but I went to the generic Frontline last month after the dogs went hunting in the back yard.
I'm going to have to try some of these solutions for fleas. I have 2 indoor/outdoor cats. The fleas were horrible last year. I spent a fortune on Capstar tablets and Frontline and they didn't even touch the problem. Each time, I cleaned the house from top to bottom, vacuumed like crazy, disposed of the trash. Nothing mattered. My vet said the fleas around here might be getting immune to those products so I bought Advantix and will see how that does. There's lots of other great solutions on this thread that I plan to try also.

We had a problem until we started using comfortis. It has worked awesome on our dogs.
We were fighting a loosing battle until we got guineas for the property. They went to town eating all the fleas and now we don't have a problem.
You will not get rid of the fleas by simply treating your dog. You have to treat the area he lives in also your other dogs/cats/rabbits/ferrets whatever you may have. Treating your yard is a must (Sevin dust works great for this). Also treat your home whether it be with sprays, powders, bombs ect. Make sure you vacuum your carpets and toss the bag immediately. I don't flea bomb the house but I do carpet powers and sprays to treat base boards, beds and furniture.

Once you have gotten rid of them then its time to prevent the next round. The Sevin Dust will protect your yard for quite a while. I usually do the yard once or twice a yr as a preventative. My dogs do not get topicals unless they have been exposed to animals with fleas or if the ticks are really bad. I like to use the Frontline spray if I need to treat them. Year round I feed Brewers Yeast and Garlic, available at most pet stores or on-line stores, I buy mine at Jeffers.com for around $14 for a 4# container.

Last year all of my friends dogs and cats had fleas and none of mine got a single one and my dogs co-mingle with theirs several times a week. I also foster dogs and cats for our local rescue as well as take in rescues of my own. Whenever a new dog or cat comes in I treat immediately with Frontline spray and have never had a problem. Just remember to not treat only one pet, do them all on the same day as you do your yard and house and that should take care of the problem :)
Fleas are bad here this year. Frontline is working but it cant keep up with whats out in the yard. Darn mild winter... Dawn on the other hand can an will kill them quick even when using just 1 or 2 table spoons of it in 5 gallons of water an soaking the dog in it.

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