
Sep 5, 2019
Me and my family were out at my grandmas farm for the morning and before we left i let the chickens out to free range (which we have done almost every day) we came back and i noticed one of my barred rocks was laying in the middle of the yard they would normally not sun bath in the middle of the yard i looked closer and noticed feathers EVERYWHERE we got looking around and almost the entire flock was dead, they were scattered around my yard and the neighbors. six survived unharmed one was not to lucky my black austrolorp has a gash on her back(pictures to come soon) i stopped the bleeding and she is calming down in a separate cage, i have absolutely no idea what could gotten them we’ve had possums ad raccoons but they have only killed one at a time. it seemed to only actually eat 2 of the chickens and the others it killed for fun. If anyone has any idea I would love some input
Pictures to come soon
I dont think my flock will be free ranging any time soon:barnie

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