Flock dynamics without a cockerel/rooster


Jul 13, 2022
Melbourne, Australia
When we got our chickens, we ended up with 4 pullets and 2 cockerels.

About 6 weeks ago, I rehomed the louder, more dominant cockerel. The second one has come into his own, and is a delight in the backyard (loves skritches, and has never been agressive ever) - except I live in suburbia, and roosters are not allowed. He's noisy, and we're just lucky the neighbours haven't complained yet.

So he's going to a new home tomorrow. I've been told his new home is an egg farm and he will bring more genetic diversity to their flock, so hopefully he'll have a good life.

But for his girls at home - what does the removal of a good rooster do to the flock dynamics?

He's littermates (is that the term for birds?) with 2 of my girls, and has bonded particularly well with one of them.

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