Flock integration success!! (I think)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 28, 2009
Oakland, CA
I'm so excited tonight - by magic, it seems like my two 12-week BRs are integrated with my four other girls (a variety of breeds, about 19 weeks). They're all in the coop together tonight, and I'm hoping it will all be peaceful tomorrow when I go to let them out. I had them separated in their own pen and overnight box for a few weeks, and I've gradually been letting them mingle together in the evenings, and tonight it just seemed to all come together. Fingers crossed that tomorrow morning everyone is well and happy in the henhouse!!

I just integrated my 2 10 week olds with my 3 14 week olds and it pretty much went the way yours did...i had them in a wire crate for a couple of weeks, slowly started letting them out with the big ones, then to leaving the crate door open all the time and then a couple of nights ago, I checked on them after I got home from work (after dark) and they weren't in the crate...they were in the henhouse! There is still some chasing and pecking, but there are no lost feathers and no blood!!! I think we have made it!!!

Congrats to you too!
Good job!! I hope everything stays good
I just integrated my flock today too! We should name this day Integration Day hehe. My Barred Rock was not such a good girl though. She spent a while chasing my 11 week old Wyandottes and my 5 month old Brahma around the yard. She is DEFINATELY head boss!!
I went out to the coop this morning, and all the older girls were on roosts and the two new BRs were on the floor, but all seemed peaceful. The four charged out of the chicken door when I opened it, as usual, and then the BRs went crazy pecking for food on the coop floor. I hope they're getting enough to eat while the power struggle is working itself out -- but they seem to be fine. There was only one minor squabble this morning, and everyone was cruising around the chicken run companionably enough (until the RIR ran up the run and body slammed the Australorp, seemingly just out of youthful high spirits!). So - all in all - Mission Accomplished! Now I can sit back and wait for the eggs to arrive...

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