Flock showing signs of Marek's


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 5, 2012
A few days ago one of my two month old hens stated showing signs of Marek's. Now I have at least two more chicks showing it too. I've done a lot of research and looked at many pics and I'm sure it's what they have. I have 20 other chicks and 5 two-year old hens all living together. What am I supposed to do now? Will they all succomb? Do we need to go ahead and put down the ones with the most obvious paralysis? I've been raising chickens for five years now and have never had this happen. The first two that started showing symptoms were supposed to have been vaccinated against it.

Thanks for any info/opinions.

Can you figure out where it came from? Did you get any chickens in the last few months? Aside from chicks straight from the hatchery or hatched by you?

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