Flock won't accept my Ancona


In the Brooder
Jan 2, 2017
SW Wyoming
Try as I may with everyone advice, the current flock will not accept the Ancona I adopted. I have her isolated next to the others to keep her safe for now.

I put another hen, a Wyandotte, in with her with no problem but when she was put in with the others they attacked, especially the Orpingtons.

I separated the Orpingtons thinking they were the problem, then put the Ancona in with the Wyandottes and they attacked her.

Final solution now is to build her a separate coop. Not the issue. I want to get her a companion and want to know where I can find another grown Ancona or similar size hen in my area (SW Wyoming or Salt Lake City).
I don't know what happened to the post I tried to make from my phone.

I don't know how old any of the hens are. The flock we got from a friend that was moving to Arizona and the Ancona was picked up by Animal control when it was running around town and we adopted it when no one claimed it.
Try as I may with everyone advice, the current flock will not accept the Ancona I adopted. I have her isolated next to the others to keep her safe for now.

I put another hen, a Wyandotte, in with her with no problem but when she was put in with the others they attacked, especially the Orpingtons.

I separated the Orpingtons thinking they were the problem, then put the Ancona in with the Wyandottes and they attacked her.

Final solution now is to build her a separate coop. Not the issue. I want to get her a companion and want to know where I can find another grown Ancona or similar size hen in my area (SW Wyoming or Salt Lake City).
Have you tried nighttime introduction. Wait until everyone is sleeping and put the Ancona on the roost next to the rest and shut everything up. Stay outside for 20 minutes. If nothing happens go to bed. Wake up early before your chickens do and open everything up. Wait until everyone is up to see what happens. Keep in mind new chickens have to find out where they belong in the pecking order sometimes that takes 2 or three days. Do you let your chickens range?
I do let the chickens range occasionally. I will try the introduction again today and watch closely and try not to interfere unless it gets dangerous to the Anconas health.

Thanks for the input everyone.
Well we made it through the first night. There have been squabbles but the Ancona has figured out a couple of safe spots. One is the nesting box, the other is a high perch in the pen.

Hopefully the others will leave her alone enough to eat and drink.


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