Floor of nest box


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
I'm sorry if this has been covered, but I couldn't find anything in the search.

No matter how much hay I put in the nesting box, the chickens scrape it to the side and lay on the floor of the box. This is only a problem with one chicken. When she lays her egg sometimes it cracks when it hits the floor. Has anyone tried putting carpeting or something like that down on the floor to soften it? They are really good about only laying in there...not hanging out, so I have never found poop in the box, so I'm not worried about it getting wet or dirty. Any thoughts?
i have cut up some of those kiddie rubber floor mats that look like puzzle pieces. My birds alway kicked out whatever was in there and to boot they would lay their eggs without squatting down. Now I have no cracked eggs unless my son puts them in the basket roughly
I read somewhere on here where somebody put an old towel in the bottom of the box and covered it with straw to stop that same problem. I initially set up my nesting boxes that way but my girls don't remove the straw so I quit doing it.
Yep hay doesnt work they like to search through the hay for the seeds in it in the nest boxes.. but they will will go up in my horse barn and make a nest in the hay and set when they are broody!!!! Go figure!!!
Ok, I thought I was nuts! Almost every morning I put the hay back in their nesting boxes only to find the hay on the floor when I get back home! BUT I do have another question......one of my chickens looked like she was laying down on the ground. It almost looks like she dug a little hole and sits on it. I checked- no eggs- they are still too young, but does this mean she will lay on the floor???? I am still learning all this so forgive me

Everyone is always so nice so thanks in advance for any insight!
Ok, I thought I was nuts! Almost every morning I put the hay back in their nesting boxes only to find the hay on the floor when I get back home! BUT I do have another question......one of my chickens looked like she was laying down on the ground. It almost looks like she dug a little hole and sits on it. I checked- no eggs- they are still too young, but does this mean she will lay on the floor???? I am still learning all this so forgive me

Everyone is always so nice so thanks in advance for any insight!

Sounds like a dirt bath to me. Mine dig big holes and get absolutely covered, they love it.
I use pine shavings..the fine stuff. It is too small for them to scrape it all to the side. As long as eggs aren't getting broken or they aren't pooping in the box it shouldn't really be a problem.

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