Floppy, shaky duckling who keeps falling on his back!

Thanks. Ill try the sugar. Yeah i just thought it was weird because usually when I have had a chick that didn't grow and seemed unsteady they also had other signs of illness like not eating or drinking or having problems pooping and she doesn't seem to so Ill just keep watching her I guess. 

Can you post a picture of the bump on her head?

I just had 3 brooder ducklings acting drunk and flipping around onto their backs... I let the brooder go over the weekend (crazy ice storm issues) and it was duck poop soup come this afternoon. Doesn't take them long to create a toxic environment. I pulled them and tossed them in the bathtub, set up a different brooder with fresh food and water, and dumped rubbing alcohol all over the old tank and bedding to dispose of tomorrow and reclean. Mine were just sick from their own waste... they are back to normal 2 hours later and doing just fine. Just saying it's 'Not always a contagious disease' causing sickness. Environmental and temperature can play against young ducklings rapidly also.
I would start with B Complex vitamins in water - use the amount of B3 (niacin) as a guide for how much water to add - make it at 150 mg B3 per gallon of water. So if the tablet has 50 mg niacin, add a third of a gallon of water. That's 42 ounces, or about 5 cups.

Let the duckling drink from that vitamin water - put what you don't set out into the frij, I am guessing that will keep it fresher. Then I would let it sit out and warm up before putting in their waterer.

Other things can cause seizures, like infection. Is there any sign of infection or reason you might thing that could be a possibility? In that case, antibiotics would be needed.

I doubt the little one could have been exposed to certain viruses since he or she is so young.

Hugs, please keep us posted.
More questions... Did it hatch under a duck or in an incubator? Did it hatch by itself or did you assist? What does it's umbilicus (belly button) look like?
In my experience, Sav-a-chick vitamin supplement (one packet per gallon of water) is a miracle worker. Contains many vitamins including Bvits and Niacin. Had a seizing duckling, started her on that immediately along with Probios probiotic dust in everyone's food, and after 4 days in quarantine we were seizure free and back in with the flock. Assuming she had a Vit deficiency. That was last week.
Thank yoy allfor helping! I scooped him up swaddled him inside a tshirt and carried him around my neck, keeping him very warm, and just held him and talked, fed him water a drop here and there, and 24 hours later, hes almost perfectly normal! Still in quarantine, buthe was one day old, hatched in incubator, by himself.no assist. And thanks again! Ill post picstommorrow.

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