Florida gal!


7 Years
Jun 13, 2016
My crazy husband came home with 6 chicks 2 months ago- 2 golden nuggets, 2 Dixie rainbows,1 white leghorn, and 1 black sex link. All pullets! We lost one of the golden nuggets (it wasn't real healthy when we brought it home.), but the rest are thriving! One Dixie rainbow has branded me as her mama :)
Then.. Our ace hardware announced they were placing an order of BLRW. We ordered 2, they should be arriving on the 22nd of this month!! :)

Then the other day, we noticed there was a sale on the remaining chicks. We came home with a golden comet, and a New Hampshire .. Which we think is a roo. And then I became known as the crazy chicken lady.

My husband built and designed our coop. I shall have to post pictures soon. :)

I'm also a mom to 2 girls, a step kiddo, and a dog. And somehow manage school on top of that :)
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I am so sorry you lost a little one. Some of them don't make it. BUT...wow, sounds like you are bursting at the seams with chicks! They sure grow fast. Don't blink, or they will be full grown birds soon!

Make yourself at home here and ask any questions you may have.

Welcome to our flock! :)
Hi, welcome to BYC, thats a lot of chicks that you have to raise and plenty of variety too, I hope you enjoy using the forums. If you have questions theres many people on this site willing to help you.
trying to add some pictures of each group of gals (and one possible roo!) we have but having some issues

I was terrified of chickens 3 months ago.. And now..
Definitely not.
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When your chicks are 6 weeks old, you can post photos at "what breed or gender is this."

Our first group we got in April are now 10 weeks, definitely all pullets. Then we got 1.5 week olds (now 3 weeks) a week ago. We wanted one rooster in a New Hampshire, so they were able to say they thought the one they gave us was a Roo, but since it was an order of pullets, there was only a 3% chance . "He" definitely acts a lot manlier than the rest of the girls!

Then the two BLRW should also be pullets, I can't wait to see them on the 22nd!

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