Fluffed up


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2016
Cand anyone tell me what is wrong with my chick she is about 5 to 6 weeks old has runny nose and leaking from one eye
any help will be appropriated thank you
Bloody stool, but not always. And listlessness. Maybe reduced feeding and drinking. Are you using medicated starter? Do you have other chicks? Are you keeping it warm enough? Have you had the chick all along and what kind of brooder are you using?
I have heard of Sulmet but am unfamiliar with it. Is she still eating and drinking? Not all cocci presents as bloody poos. There are 9 different strains I think. Not saying that's what it is, just sharing what little info I do have.

I wish I could be more help. At least posting will bump it back on the board for someone else to see and try to help, I hope.

Good luck!
My husbands uncle said to give her la 200 and she is looking really good after gave her la 200

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