Need a little clarity here. Does she have drink problems or drinking problems?:oops::D
(Short version) I can't bring a DrPepper outside, without her jumping up and wanting a sip. Beetov-Hen started the begging, when I let her sample what I was drinking. But Canna saw it, and tried it too. now Canna wants it all the time. I refuse to let her, all the time.
(Short version) I can't bring a DrPepper outside, without her jumping up and wanting a sip. Beetov-Hen started the begging, when I let her sample what I was drinking. But Canna saw it, and tried it too. now Canna wants it all the time. I refuse to let her, all the time.
I have heard of them drinking coffee but never soft drinks.
Lucky is going to be a looker for sure!!! Those slate legs make me wonder if she is going to lay colored eggs?! Stanley sure does make some nice babies! Ned is growing up nicely too!
Don't say that CCL! If she lays coloured eggs, no way will Bob be able to stand firm and re-home her!
That was my thought too Shad. I'm partial to peaty flavours myself, especially Jura. Apparently that makes me odd; y'know, a woman liking whisky!
I prefer island scotches myself. I just bought 4 new ones to add to the bar. I do not have Jura. I'm not certain I have ever tried it.

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