The Remembrance Continues

Today we are going to explore all of the roost fights that Lilly either instigated or was involved in. Some of these are epic.

This one is a long determined battle between Lilly and Hattie. I have no idea why she just did not want poor Hattie to roost that night. A very young Aurora gets some pecks as well. You will also see Maleficent :love in this video.

Yet another take down of Hattie

Here is Lilly using Jabber as protection from Patsy. Lilly had grabbed the prime spot and Patsy just could not stand it. However, what to do about that rooster in the way?

Patsy and Lilly used to have epic roosting battles. This is a good example. The tunneling technique was always a favorite.

Just so everyone doesn't think Lilly was always unreasonable towards Hattie, how about a nice quiet roosting video. You can see Aurora trying to figure out where she should roost in this one. That spider web on the right is really annoying. I remember cleaning that the next day.

Aww! They're all so cute!
Today is Wednesday but forgot to post yesterday!

Two for Tuesday
The Remembrance Continues

Today we are going to explore all of the roost fights that Lilly either instigated or was involved in. Some of these are epic.

This one is a long determined battle between Lilly and Hattie. I have no idea why she just did not want poor Hattie to roost that night. A very young Aurora gets some pecks as well. You will also see Maleficent :love in this video.

Yet another take down of Hattie

Here is Lilly using Jabber as protection from Patsy. Lilly had grabbed the prime spot and Patsy just could not stand it. However, what to do about that rooster in the way?

Patsy and Lilly used to have epic roosting battles. This is a good example. The tunneling technique was always a favorite.

Just so everyone doesn't think Lilly was always unreasonable towards Hattie, how about a nice quiet roosting video. You can see Aurora trying to figure out where she should roost in this one. That spider web on the right is really annoying. I remember cleaning that the next day.

Man, what a sentinel! Marching up and back along the roost bar.

The Jabber one made me laugh- he really is so placid and above the battle.
Speaking of broody...she started February 28...has it been too long, do I need to do something else? Locking her out of the coop during the day and cold ice on her chest isn't working.
Is she hopping back into the nest at night? If so, that resets her broodiness. Sheโ€™ll need to be kept off full time until she breaks.
Regulating this brooder heat is not an easy task. Optimum temperature is 93f for first weeks of life.
That seems super warm. I hope you find a good solution for the temperature situation at TSC tomorrow!

Mine are currently in a 55f degree garage and the 1 week old is pleased as punch. She has a heating pad to warm up on (at this point I have it laying on the ground so that they all have access to it, regardless of size) which she does for just a quick warm up and then dashes off to play. Iโ€™ve never had a broody raise chicks before, but I imagine the mechanics are the same. Quick (several minute) warmup and then escape from the heat source.


Look at this cheeky thing. I went to check on them this evening and she was roosting up on the big kid bar.
Since a lot of you seemed to have like the throwback I did last week with "Careless Whisper", I decided to do it again. This song should NEVER be played loudly inside my house. Old Woman will sing the same lyric over and over for hours on end and it's not something I enjoy. I do listen to this song, however, I always do it in low volume.
"I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
Yeah, I like to move it!"

Why aren't you moving? Not even music like this can make Grandma move it, move it.

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