My girls are getting feisty with each other. I saw one of them jump on the back of another twice while I was sitting in the run with them.

I don't want to get a rooster, yet. I want them to get along.

Maybe next spring, or the year after, I'll order some more Bielefelders and get a cockerel and a couple of pullets.
My girls are getting feisty with each other. I saw one of them jump on the back of another twice while I was sitting in the run with them.

I don't want to get a rooster, yet. I want them to get along.

Maybe next spring, or the year after, I'll order some more Bielefelders and get a cockerel and a couple of pullets.
Even my little ones do that, to attempt a pecking order. It’s the way of the chicken!
In my two and a half years of owning chickens, I have never lost one. I’ve lost tons of guineas, but for me, they are replaceable.

A rat snake took two of my babies. Phoenix, and one of the Ayam Cemani’s. I am pissed. Dad killed it, and we have a strict rule to never harm non venomous snakes.

I’ve not been home yet, but I can only hope that Willow is doing okay.

I’m still in the car, and I’ve not shed a single tear yet, but I can tell that when I get home that I will. Phoenix was a pretty bird (and she was blue! I want blue chickens so badly, and when I finally get one, a stupid snake kills it.) and she had muffs.

And whoever the AC was, she a special bird. I’m not sure if this is the one that died, but here are pictures of Phoenix and the Ayam Cemani. View attachment 3825688View attachment 3825689
Looks to me like I’m going to be hatching more Bolt eggs this summer.
:hugs Hugs for you and the rest of your chickens. It does really suck when you lose a chicken. :hugs:hugs
Alright I just feel like I owe more tax because I got wound up in the string of tech nonsense.
Buff one Cosine, yellow one Sine.

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