Fluid in lungs dying

I'm so sorry to hear that I'm going through the same thing. I have done exactly what you have done as well and I'm devastated. I'm nursing her as well. Wondering if I should put her down now.
The post you answered to dates from 2015.

Did you make your hen vomit? If you did, she might have aspirated fluids as making them vomit is dangerous and will often lead to their death because of aspiration.

Here is some info about crop disorders and how to treat them:
I have been nursing my chicken I have had about 7 weeks now. The past 2 weeks she has gone down hill and gone down hill and is skin and bones I have given her penicillin shots been force feeding her not getting it into her air ways. And as of yesterday she has been unable to stand. I have been emptying what is left over in her crop everyday it's very sour smelling each time. Now she's so weak she can't even hold her Wings up and laying to the side. She just started today gasping for air. And I hear fluid sound I feel like this is her final stage of dying and I am heart broken. But I needed to know is that a sign of fluid in lungs the way she is gasping? She is not alert and her comb and wattles are now deep purple have been for 3 days now. 2 weeks ago they were pail in color. I have read and looked up every possible sickness and issue and have not came to any conclusions. I have no history of her past until I found her. She has never once laid an egg. I'm just so sad and worried about this girl.
I am so sorry for you and your beloved chicken which you tried so hard to save. Did you ever get an answer to your question? I ask because the symptoms found so similar to my beloved Cockerel (who died) …. The crop changing to purple and the bubbling when he was gasping for air. I’m addition he had syrupy fluid that came pouring out of his mouth and got worse and worse though before he got very bad he rallied a few times. I kept treating him for crop issues which are supposed to be easily curable but he did die … only last week. I wondered if you ever found out what the cause was for your chicken and if she lived?

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