Fly strike and not walking well

i love my chick

In the Brooder
Mar 1, 2016

I have my favorite hen. She is 4+ yrs old. She recently has suffered from fly strike which I think I may have caught early-about 24 hours of symptoms. Her wound looks great. No further maggots or skin changes. Healing well.
No other injuries I have found on exam. I ranged all of her joints and they do not appear injured. She doesn't act like she is in pain when I move them.
She is getting layer feed and fresh water. She will not eat. I am feeding her water with electrolytes and glucose.
She does seem to be perking up. I say this because she was quiet and now is clucking a little bit. She is resisting me more when I go to check on her. She will try to stand and move and has moved some.
My biggest concern is why she is having so much trouble walking and when she does it is not normal.
She walks with her legs curled in slightly. It is hard for her to stand up. She holds her tail feathers down all of the time. I place my finger under her feet and she will try to grip my finger.
Also I have found no wounds like bumble foot.
Any thoughts/help for my Minnie Mouse
Thank you so much.
She recently has suffered from fly strike which I think I may have caught early-about 24 hours of symptoms. Her wound looks great. No further maggots or skin changes. Healing well.

She will not eat. I am feeding her water with electrolytes and glucose.

My biggest concern is why she is having so much trouble walking and when she does it is not normal.
She walks with her legs curled in slightly. It is hard for her to stand up. She holds her tail feathers down all of the time.
How long ago was the Flystrike?
Where is it located? Photos?

She's 4+ yrs old, you don't mention if she was laying eggs prior to the Flystrike - feel her abdomen for any bloat/swelling or fluid.
Check her crop, is it empty in the morning before you give her water or before she eats?
Often Flystrike is due to an underlying condition, she may be suffering from reproductive problems, but it's hard to know.

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