Fly strike

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
This is more of just a discussion or perhaps commiseration, because I ended up having to put Petunia down. I went away on Friday for the weekend, my FIL was letting them in and out for me. He said Petunia was acting fine on Sunday morning but unable to walk Sunday evening so he picked her up and put her in. I got back after dark and checked in, she was indeed not walking, Monday morning I gave her B12, Baytril and liquid calcium, presuming that she was egg bound and possibly that it had broken, by Monday evening, she hadn’t moved and was barely able to keep her eyes open, her skin was oozing under her feathers and the stench was unbearable. I decided it was time.
I was lucky enough to be able to ask @Pyxis about it, she said it really sounded like fly strike and from reading, I believe she is correct. I will keep my eyes peeled for any future issues, I had not been aware Petunia had had any problems until it was advanced to this point, it happened fast.
Thank you Pyxis for your help and advice.


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oh no Im so sorry. Thank you for sharing your story. I will be watching more carefully for this, Ive been checking my chickens a lot but didnt check my ducks as much , tommorrow I will .
It happens SO fast, in a matter of hours of sometimes. I was trying to find pictures of the duck I was telling you about that I took in that had it that I tried to save, that the owners knew had it on the back, but didn't realize it was also going on on his chest, that I had to put down, but I can't find them.

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