Flying the coop!


9 Years
May 21, 2010
Otis, Oregon ~ Chicken People Since 5/10
My husband took the first steps in converting an old garage into a new coop for my flock of 17.
All of them have grown up in the teeny little playhouse coop we have been using for the past 3 years. Owing to diligence in keeping enough roost space, adding numbers slowly and via broodies, and the docile nature of Black Australorps, they have all coped beautifully with the close quarters.
We are moving them into a space roughly ten times larger. We will be using the same nest boxes and ramp from the told one, to maintain some continuity, but everything else is going to be different!
We are adding a ladder roost (I currently have limbs from the neighboring forest), and a broody suite/rooster jail/separation pen for the various reasons we need to keep some people apart from the rest. No more laying on my belly under a roost, to change fed and water for the broody hen, formerly housed in a small section under my current nest boxes.

I am so excited. My flock is going to be so happy there! And having room for their extra straw and metal rubbish pails for feed (no more carrying it from the house) is going to make my job sooooo much easier.
Couldn't miss a chance to rejoice with my fellow BYCers!!!

Sounds great! I know what you mean about being down on your hands and knees, just hoping the deep liter is deep enough there!

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