Foamy Eye questions


5 Years
Jul 2, 2019
I noticed today that one of my girls had foam in just one of her eyes.
She doesn't seem to be having any other symptoms (no coughing sneezing or change in eating or behavior).
I read on another website that over mating can cause foamy Eye if there's no other symptoms. (As she's the one in the pool the most of my 3 girls this could track). Can anyone confirm this?

Also what is the best way to address it? They have a pool that is cleaned daily, water bins that are refreshed several times a day and bedding that is changed at least every 2-3 days so their area is as clean as you could reasonably expect from ducks.
I noticed today that one of my girls had foam in just one of her eyes.
She doesn't seem to be having any other symptoms (no coughing sneezing or change in eating or behavior).
I read on another website that over mating can cause foamy Eye if there's no other symptoms. (As she's the one in the pool the most of my 3 girls this could track). Can anyone confirm this?

Also what is the best way to address it? They have a pool that is cleaned daily, water bins that are refreshed several times a day and bedding that is changed at least every 2-3 days so their area is as clean as you could reasonably expect from ducks.
How many drakes do you have / and how many hens?
Is she perhaps overmated? even with one drake that can happen if she is the favorite.
Majestic waterfowl sanctuary has this article about eye problems
it mentions getting antibiotic ointment from a vet but you can get otc from tsc or online an ointment called terramycin
I have one drake and three girls currently -used to have 5 girls but lost one a few years back to an illness and a fox got one last summer.
It's possible she's over mated. She's the water queen so is the most "available" for my drake. And she does willingly accept affections from my other roen hen who likes to be on top 😂

I will be getting some more girls this summer so hopefully that will help in the long run.
Do you notice any feathers pulled out around her neck and face? that usually tells you she is being overmated. You can also use a saline rinse [recipe online] for rinsing her eye. It's always a good idea to have meds like Terramycin on hand.
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Do you notice any feathers pulled out around her neck and face. that usually tells you she is being overmated. You can also use a saline rinse [recipe online] for rinsing her eye. It's always a good idea to have meds like Terramycin on hand.
No, didn't notice anything pulled out.

After I wiped the foam off when I saw it I didn't notice it return when I put them to bed and she didn't have it this morning either.. maybe something in her eye or something too I guess. idk. I will definitely do the saline rinse though just to be sure.

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