Foamy Poop (Pic included)

The Welch Chickens

Premium Feather Member
Mar 18, 2023
Rhode Island
I just went out to check on the flock and there is a big foamy poop on the ground. (It is hard to see the other poops because it’s been raining and the run floor is all mud) I’ve never had this problem before.

They are fed NatureWise Layer Pellets. They get a tiny bit of scratch either every day or every other day (we use it to bring them back in the coop).
I think it has something to do with the pumpkin. We just got a whole bin of pumpkins from a friend and my dad gives them a slice of raw pumpkin to peck on every day.

Please help if you can!


(Same poop, different angles of photo)
It doesn't really matter whether they have runny poops or not but I wouldn't completely stop giving them Pumpkin because pumpkins are really good for chickens and can actually help hens that are molting, grow new healthy feathers.
Would they be molting in December? It's quite cold here. (Sorry if this is a dumb question, I don't know much about molting)
Would they be molting in December? It's quite cold here. (Sorry if this is a dumb question, I don't know much about molting)
Not at all! 😀 Chickens molt from September to up to January and sometimes you will not even notice that they are molting. Light molters and Heavy molters. Heavy molters look like they are bald.
Here's a great article to refresh your memory on molting chickens!!
Not at all! 😀 Chickens molt from September to up to January and sometimes you will not even notice that they are molting. Light molters and Heavy molters. Heavy molters look like they are bald.
Here's a great article to refresh your memory on molting chickens!!
This is my first year owning chickens, and although I have been researching them for years, there are just some things I never read about :)
Ours must have molted lightly... now that I think about it, there was a time last August when there were a whole bunch of feathers in their run. I had thought it was just part of them growing up! They never became bald or anything, so I never really thought about it!

Thanks for helping me, I appreciate it! :highfive:

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