Food and Water


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2015
How long can 3 week old ducklings go without food and water? We'd love to at least go the night without waking up to Poop Swamp in the brooder.
I have raised ducklings for a while, and honestly i would not leave them without water. If they swallow something or get something stuck in their throat, they will need water to wash it down. If the problem is the water mess they make, and believe me i know what it's like cleaning up their water mess, i suggest a solution that worked for me. If you go to the store and get puppy pee pads, you can set a couple of those under their water and it will absorb the water. But if you still think you should leave them without water, then i would suggest not giving them water at night, but get up early in the morning and make sure they have water. Hope this helped!
Just make sure they don't have food if you remove the water. They can and will choke to death on their food if they don't have water to wash it down.
We left the food and water in the brooder. We went 1 hour without it in there and watched. We switched them to pine shavings a few days ago and they try to eat the shavings, and I was worried they would choke.

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