Foot issue


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 5, 2009
Our Polish Bantam has an issue with her foot that we don't know what to do about it or what the cause is also it smells funky.

Anything you can tell us to fix this problem would be great, if nothing can be done then that's ok too. She won't be the first bird we've killed.
Do you think maybe it could have been caused by the roost? Maybe something sharp that injured the foot like a nail or wire? If it smells too it sounds like a bacterial infection. I looked it up and it looks like it could be bumblefoot and could easily pick up staph and other nasties from the wound site. You could try daily soaks in epsom salt, extraction then antibacterial ointment and bandaging until it heals. You may need to confine so the others don't start bullying it.
We couldn't find anything in the coop that would've caused it. What do you mean by extraction?
Do they free range? Could be something in the yard. If not, maybe it has something to do with the way it was roosting or was roosting for longer periods causing an abrasion or something. If it's soft and there is any infection in there you may need to clean the wound a couple of times a day by gently squeezing it out (yeah gross) after the soak to clear it.
That's commonly known as bumblefoot. Staph bacteria gets in a wound on the foot from a puncture from things like sharp rocks or a splinter/thorn. Inject 1/2 cc of Penicillin or Duramycin directly in the swollen area. Use a 22 gauge needle as I can't get Penicillin up into any gauge smaller. It looks pretty advanced so you may have to cut the abscess and squeeze the fluid out. Make the incision on the upper side of the swelling. Fill the opening with iodine or Staphaseptic (better than Neosporin), and wrap the foot with a clean cloth. Use some surgical tape/sports tape to keep it in place. Don't wrap it too tight or else you'll cut off the bird's circulation. Keep the bird in small coop with soft flooring and no roost for at least a week and redressing the foot a couple times during that week until it is healed. Bumblefoot is a tough one to deal with, but it can be done.
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Thanks to all that responded. Due to complications with this being more advanced than first realized this chicken was put out of its misery this morning.

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