For all those worried about temperature spikes, drops, etc. READ HERE!


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
St. Amant, LA
I just finished one wild ride of a hatching, but with great results!
Two power failures, temperature got down to 90 degrees both times, not sure how long first power failure was,
but second one was 4 hours. About a week apart.
A few hot days later, came home and noticed temp was 104!!!
Turned the temperature down a good bit and was okay for a day, then another hot day, outside shed overheated again,
and guess what? 104 again!!! Moved the incubator indoors for the last 4 days, and waited nervously for a wiggling egg.
On day 20 they started to wiggle, and well, here's the proof -


Ain't they gorgeous?


VERY helpful input! Thanks for sharing. It's too easy, after all the focus on perfect temps and humidity, and forget that nature can be more forgiving and resilient than we might imagine when we are "going through it". Natural 'Moms' do, after all, get off their nests to eat and drink and poop and pee (or are chased off occasionally by a predator or two) and those waiting eggs some how manage to "keep on ticking".
That is wonderful!

I am so happy for you!

*just for future reference*

You don't want to put chicks on a slippery surface such as newspaper because they can get spraddle leg.

They need a bit more traction to get their fuzzy butts stable and zipping around!
Wow, really! I was terrified when I had a spike of 104, happened during the night so I don't know how long it lasted, but I still ended up with a very good hatch. But 109? Again, wow!
Awwww, your babies are precious!! So stinkin cute!! What are they? One looks just like my Jersey Giant chicks, and one looks like a blue....something??
Wow, really! I was terrified when I had a spike of 104, happened during the night so I don't know how long it lasted, but I still ended up with a very good hatch. But 109? Again, wow!

Well.... I was incubating only 2 eggs at the time. But yes, a bonafide 109 reading for 3 hours. Shocking!
I just had a broody hen hatch 9 of 12 (still hatching) eggs that had been left alone way too long, way too many times as she would get off her nest and then set on another empty nest until I wrestled her back to the correct place. Her eggs were completley cool to the touch. With all the temp spikes and dips lately, I am shocked that a single egg hatched. They were Americauna eggs that hatched, however, the BC Marans have not hatched at all. Seems some breeds are just hardier than others as well. I am curious to see if any of the BCM eggs hatch from the other two hens that have done the same thing. Silly hens, set on empty nests rather than go back to the egg-filled nests.
Thank you so much for posting this! I have had three spikes of 104 (for a few hours) over the last three days and I am so afraid it cooked my eggs. I wasn't sure if it was the dumb digital thermometer or what (I am hoping thats all it was)...but I've been so worried. Now maybe I can give myself permission go to sleep tonight! I'm officially on lockdown, so whatever the outcome, I'll know in a few days.

PS Your chicks are gorgeous!!
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